
Chin Up Princess

Chin Up Princess

The world will be mean,
The kids, they will laugh.

The bullies will continue 
The jokes, they won’t last.

They don’t see the world your way.
They don’t care the way you do. 
Your love runs deep and genuine, 

Your compassion is something true.

Your friends will come and go. 
You will argue with your sisters. 
He will break your heart.  

You will get more than skinned knees and blisters.

You will lose that race. 
You will feel overwhelming defeat. 
You will sweat, cry and gasp for air. 
You will learn that your best can be beat.

I hope that you continue to work hard  and know your worth   
because the world will be mean, the race will be long and the relationships will hurt.

Chin up Princess, I’m in your corner watching as you fall. 
I’ll be here as you get back up              
finish strong.

You have the potential to do great things. I’ve seen this movie before. 
I will be here, as I always am,

cheering as you score.