Natalie Heisey


In my deepest moments I bury my burden 

 pushed back so hard that I\'ve broken down and fallen 

I\'m Grieving thru the truma and drowning thru the rough waters. 

I cry to the lord but he doesn\'t answer 

I cry out for help but no one hears

I\'m grieving thru traumatizing events 

An no one will understand 


I fight a lot of battles that only I know 

Deep down I have so much rage I can\'t let go i Hate to admit I\'m sinking my own ship 

Second time around I can\'t stand on my own ground...


Living in fear of my own thoughts 

I am warmhearted and icy cold to the touch 

with a pretty face that\'s getting old.

struggle thru life feeling lost and alone 

I bury a lot of secrets I leave untold 

with a heart of glass, that can be easily shatterd to death!