Sakwa Franc

Become Useful

Ideas are conceieved

Let your ears be attentive

Plans are drawn 

To Mark a change in every season

Focus and become useful


Great men are born though they die

The ink of their work remains

A history they wrote still speak

On your grave a word will be written

What are you doing with every opportunity?


Everyday is not promised

But it\'s a chance to change our world

Put a smile on a wounded soul

Become useful to that dying generation

If you can sing , let your lyrics heal


If you can write , let your message bring hope

If you can teach, then revive crushed souls

You can\'t do everything yes

But something useful can be done by you

I am because you\'re if am useful


To a generation without hope 

Strive to plant seeds of hope  in its soils

Somebody became useful one day

And we got bulbs on streets to shine

You can shape our society , if you become useful