Sassy Lou


Many years have passed -

Since I\'ve seen my sweet precious girl

Never a day that came & went

Were you not on my mind or in my heart

Curly blonde hair & big blue eyes -

You were the light of my life

Giggles, smiles, hearing your first word - momma

Memories that will forever be embedded in my mind

Seeing your face & holding you for the very first time -

7 lbs 8 ounce little baby girl of mine

All grown up -

Beautiful as can be

Daddy\'s girl you may have been -

Yet a mama\'s girl you were, too

Wish that I was never apart from you

Praying for the day -

You come back into my life

So many days, nights, months & years

I shed so many painful tears

My love for you has never left -

Wanting nothing but the best for you

To hear your voice, your laugh & see your smile

Hold you in my arms again

Is the day that I can\'t wait to get here

Sooner than later I pray, Amen

Danielle Marie, I hope one day you will see -

That you always have & forever will 

Mean everything in this world to me