



I know a little girl who could whistle

long before she had any teeth at all

Before she could talk or walk even ..


And that very same, brave little girl

is called Amelie who has just turned

four years old … and get this folks ..


In spite of absolutely everything this

old world has so far thrown at her ..

She keeps on smiling ..


For those of you that might be vaguely interested, my seventh anthology was published yesterday on 1st January 2023 ..

It is called ‘Chasing Light’ and consists of 220 individual scribbles over three hundred, or so pages  ..

The reason I mention it here though, is because all monies raised from the sale of it, will go directly towards Brain Tumour research .. and for the following reason ..

My little four year old niece Amelie, pictured above, was recently diagnosed with this devastating condition almost four years to the day after her Grandmother, my sister-in-law Geraldine died of the same thing ..

Amelie has just returned to the UK from Germany where she underwent eight weeks of daily Proton Beam Therapy .. that involved up to six hours each day under a general anaesthetic, excluding time off for good behaviour at weekends .. and that was after she had had the primary tumour removed here in England .. Since then, Amelie has had lots of ups and downs as a result of post-surgical complications ..

I am therefore asking if anyone is interested in helping a good cause, then good causes just don’t get much better than Brain Tumour research, since only around 1% of all money donated to cancer charities goes to brain tumour research .. which is a scarily small figure in comparison ..

Monies from all my previous publications listed below will continue to be split between

other cancer charities, including breast cancer & of course, Mental Health ..


Turquoise & Other shades of Blue

Somewhere Behind These Eyes

Victims of Indifference

Beautiful Bruises

The Logic of Fools

Cotton Girls & Paper Chains


All the above are available direct from Amazon regardless of where you might live, lodge or hide around the globe .. and get this, they each cost less than four pints of warm English beer, but will last a lot longer ..

Anyway, here’s wishing you all Peace, Love and All Good Things ..


p.s. if anyone does decide to obtain a copy or copies, please consider writing a review as these seriously do have an impact on sales .. Oh’ n please tell all your friends too .. Neville 😊