
He Was a Poet

He Was a Poet

Seldom moving among the masses
they walk apart with silent souls
Slow to mingle and few they follow
whose hearts hold Muse’s gold
God only knows why he so moves them
moves them to feel what other’s can’t show
Sadness unspoken, love forsaken 
like a lone rose, crushed on the snow

I knew a man once such as this
such a one with soul of old
Misunderstood, misrepresented
plagued by the pain knowledge grows
He wrote answers, that found my questions 
reasons for life and a light for the road
Now that he’s gone many will miss him
and that’s a tribute to his work below

Slowly they pass through the small chapel
to look at an image lying so cold
Now he’s a poet living eternal
waiting for us by life’s swift flow
For some may listen to one now silent 
to wisdom and words penned long ago
And maybe someday, someone may ask
who is that writer, - you so love to quote?

The man may be gone, yet his words linger
showing secrets by the light he was shown
Then like a whisper over your shoulder
he’ll send a line to lodge in your soul
Mystically making his mentoring magic
for he was a poet, - that you now know!

Stan Simons
(c) 2009