

A simple man in the light of day 
Went to all the extremes simply to say 

Life has many definitions at hand 
Far more complex than footprints in the sand 

A woman torn between love and hate 
Never would have thought that her fate 

Would be left to all that was in between 
The same distance from love and hate it would seem 

A child walking in the hills his father sewed 
Would work the rest of his life for what his father owed 

Endless and forever his life would last 
And his present would always be his past 

There\'s a little girl who would always play 
With the things her parents would display 

Death found her with help from that of a gun 
Sadness found two parents dying inside and under the sun 

Understanding has to come from more than just one place 
It comes from all directions and you can see it with the lines on your face