Sassy Lou

My Angel

Three paces behind -

Walks my angel

Her energy felt everywhere

I look over, see her silhouette -

Peace over me


Visiting only every couple of months now -

Used to be weekly if not even more

How often she comes to me -

Doesn\'t really matter


Her voice in my head, or hand on my arm -

When I\'m feeling down -

She always is around

Sometimes she stays for awhile -

Others not so much

Hearing her whisper in my ear -

Gives me warmth & goosebumps


She likes to play games on me -

That I don\'t like much

We had a silly accent that we used to talk in -

The only time I can talk like that now

Is when I feel her strongly

Once I talked in that accent & didn\'t realize it even

Before I knew it & paid attention

Out of me, came her voice!


Always checking in on me & giving strong advice -

Regularly, in my ear she whispers

Don\'t give up on him; he is the one

I know it\'s hard now -

In the end, it will be worth it, you\'ll see!


But she is always with me -

Good & bad days alike

Looking over me -

Even in the afterlife

My best friend she was -

Angel for me now