The viciousness of feigned innocence savoring others demise again fashioned behind flirtatious fluttering eyes
How do they see me now becomes her dearest friend an image so well crafted avoiding what\'s hidden deep within
A place so hugely insecure a monstrosity never faced while forcing judgment on the others shes lost herself without a trace
She\'s done this for so long she may never find the cure hide reflection in the mirror convinced herself how she\'s so strong
If her true self attempts emergence again she\'ll avert another surge denying genuine feelings she\'ll never have that urge
Distracts herself again with shiny things that make her feel important along with various virtue signals vying for award
Authentic conversation cannot be her goal when its about the competition and the armor assisting disenfranchisement from the soul
Allow her tactics to affect me a thing I wouldn\'t dream the only thing Im feeling now it seems is pity for her soul