

Why is it that you\'re always running?

They asked...

Cause it\'s the only thing I know

I said.

I suppose its always been easier to run...

But what happens if I can\'t anymore?

What happens if I\'m not too sure anymore?

What happens if my pain is far too deep to run from?

To hide from?

What then?

These all the questions some of us can\'t help but constantly ask ourselves?

Now what?

You can\'t run from your problems...

At least that\'s what they said,

Normally I would have said watch me.

But alas I\'ve grown quite tired...


I thought I was running away from them...

I thought I was winning...

but then suddenly I felt stuck...

But it wasn\'t because of them...

I thought I was fighting them...

All along I was fighting something bigger...

Someone bigger...

I was fighting myself...

Funny isn\'t it...

All this time

my mind was fighting my soul for control!

I was busy trying run away from them...

Hoping to feel better...

When all along I was running from myself!

I was confused...

I was lost..

My mind was in deep anguish...

There is a saying..

\"Where there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you\"

I guess I can\'t run anymore..

Now I have to stand up and fight!

Will I win?

Will YOU win?

I guess we\'ll never know unless we stay...

Unless we fight!

Don\'t give up you got this!