

“Why are you silent?”

“Because you’re the type of person who would ask that.”


“You don’t have to…”

“But do you want me to?”


“How are you doing?”

“How many hours sincere is your question?”


“I miss you…”

“Yes, and?”


“I just don’t have the time!”

“No, you lack the desire to make it…”


“Everyone feels that way…”

“Everyone is not here right now…”


“I’m just trying to help!”

“Against my will?.. Don’t insult me.”


“I’ve given you so much!”

“You gave what’s easiest to part with. Where’s what I begged for all these years?”


“The responsibility is always shared by both sides.”

“Yes. I’m tearing into yours. Shut up and listen.”


“You’re making a mistake.”

“And I’ll proudly call it mine.”


“You’re so petty.”

“If it’s such a small thing to you… then why… not just do it?”


“What should I do?”

“For you to find ten reasons not to?”


“You don’t understand, It’s because--”

“Because I let you.”


“I’m so sorry!”

“Just do better. Or stay silent… And I will, too.”