
Dad In The Mirror.

I looked in the mirror

And saw my Dad looking at me,

He had a smile on his face

And thoughts flowed to me

From this man,

This man who gave me so much.

He taught me respect,

Respect in all aspects of life.

He showed me no anger,

As anger does not work in life

Because it is followed by sorrow,

And sorrow was not in his life,

And it is rarely in mine.

Each of his days was a good one

As is every day of my life.

He gave me my love of music

Which has never failed.

He listened to it every day,

As do I.

And I can see him now,

The music on in the lounge,

Sitting in his armchair

And a smile on his face.

He left this earth many years ago

But I know he is there,

Waiting for me,

So that once more we can listen,

Listen to music together.