The Pink Illusion

A loving nest you called, 

A united family you lied, 

A castle with pink fantasies you chimed. 


Unmask the veil of pretense, 

bloody tragedies are hidden behind the fence. 


the so-called white knights skip their jobs, 

gambling with this serious matter without a second thought 


Look yonder!

The venom of spite, the ignominy of crying, and the unbearable pain of rejection are boulders, 

squashing and smashing pure hearts into disorders 



amidst the ruins up you stand, 

energy is drained from your shell.

The injection of frivolous adage hesitantly overpowers you, 

forcing you to retreat, a bolt out of the blue. 


And you wonder

at the end of the day, 

how on earth can you see such place as a glory

when in reality it’s a meshuga menagerie 


“United In Love” as a family

Wry, Witty, Witless 

Where’s the family connection?

Chagrin? Vexation? Torment? 


We have strong bonds, 

connected by a relative named Darkness.