Still Angry



our struggles 


we all have our struggles
in this world of men
every life has a beginning 
a middle and an end

you\'d do well to remember
as you go along
you can live your life doing right
or you can live it doing wrong

don\'t waste your time
being tough for all the guys
they are all full of shit
and they will tell you lies

keep you words honest
and your family close
because when shit hits the fan
it\'s family you\'ll miss most

work hard every day
go home every night 
happy family and a bank account 
means your living right

if the night life
is what calls to you
you better go home right now
hear what I\'m telling you 

its all up to you
how you want to end your life
it could be all by yourself
or home with your wife

Author Michael Lorne Miller