

By cover we don\'t judge the book
This piece of wisdom that we took
Was being told to us since youth.
And now so simple seems its truth.

We turn the cover, read a page.
When not as young perceived their age
Some might uncover as time flies
Still deeper meaning hidden lies.

Not what you thought the book defines -
Every new chapter gives you signs.
You have to read between the lines,
See contradictions it confines.

Reread each page day after day,
With true devotion find a way:
See what it really meant to say.
The structure not what you have thought
Untie the knot that is the plot,
Let pieces fall firmly in place
And understand narrative\'s grace.
The wasted time is worth it all -
You\'ve broken yet another wall.

While books are hard to comprehend
Finale will come, you can depend.
But unlike books, a person\'s mind
Has no last page or words \"the end\".