
Negligent grooming habits unbridled

Apathy toward mine personal hygiene
i.e. relinquishing attention
linkedin with bare toiletries,
cuz I rarely spruced myself up
nor never maple leave
to cease being hard nut to crack
and rendered adopted
couture modus operandi
of yours truly shabby chic
figurative page taken
directly from Pigpen\'s playbook.

Indifference to attire
automatically spelled damnation

when presenting slovenly appearance

responding to employment for hire
upon returning home parents did require

report, and upon being
delivered of unsolicited rebuked opinion

for dressing unkempt, yours truly

wished for genie in lamp to wire.

I would fain call my appearance
one hundred and eight degrees
opposite to spiffy except
when witty wordsmith
participated in contra dance
purportedly the most fun
one could experience
while being clothed
even more exciting
than sightseeing in France.

When approximately
one third current age
gave permission to set
(he/him shy person)
free from self imposed cage
just  barely enough wiggle room
these then (and now)
mine myopic eyes did gauge.

Aforementioned secular activity
heartily welcomed me,
who (despite being
severely afflicted with social anxiety)
hypothetically asked
an Asian girl, I\'ll tell Yue
(her name arbitrarily chosen
mine then twenty something self
did flirtatiously woo -
to rhyme without reason -
when crafting subsequent poem),

whereby Saint Martin-in-the-Fields
Episcopal Church
8000 Saint Martins Lane,
Philadelphia, PA 19118
represented designated social venue
lad learned lingo:
allemande, ladies chain, pass thru,
et cetera a whole slew
of other steps
with his partner progressed
up or down the set (line),

and upon reaching foot or head
waited their turn
before entering the queue
(maybe in the interim
noshing on Neptune salad)
as active or inactive couple,
invariably, innovatively, and inevitably
they pledged vows
and emigrated to Peru
raising consciousness
within Machu Picchu

equivocating, erecting, and establishing,
quasi rudimentary sanctuary
honoring the imported llama
husband and wife team
(author of poem and his missus
crocheted bedding for natives)
while loosely adhering to Judaic tenets,
world\'s oldest monotheistic religion
dating back nearly 4,000 years,
which respective religion linkedin to
both alluded, unnamed persons
and their honest to dog genealogies.

Poet and missus qua solitudinarian
each espoused disestablishmentarianism,
he with chutzpah and nerve,
she excelling at the art of hen pecking
each figuratively leaned politically left
the mister re: man me solidly Anchor right
into liberal Democratic opinions
wordsworth manifests métier I write.

Courtesy an indie alt rock\'n tribe
Rebeckah dishabille poet,
I view the challenge of writing analogous
to betting an heir or heiress
which includes gestation of an, emotion,
idea, sentiment,...unbeknownst
if outcome birthed to be fabulous

then however whimsical notion spins

within thine cerebral centrifuge,
the imagination pregnant with fetus
of a fledgling concept feeling
with byte size sea legs,

not quite ready for prime time
and beak comb devious
though, as swollen
womb dwarf full pygmy up expansive
lettered girth manifests and coalesces
into miniature Confucius
versatile rubber baby buggy bumpers
unless unexpected contusions
render exertion aborted effort, the proud
pro-creator bounteous
which success inspires this writer
to tackle another and fleeting thought
and sire by product with audacity.