

Vibrant colours surround me

Light clouds in the sky

Glowing as they pass by

Slowly flying free


And the birds up the tree

Singing the world a song

Saying nothing is wrong

It\'s all good they see


Flowers, grass and constructs

Colourful, boasting in the sun

Giving strength to go on

Encouraging our glow ups


And then there\'s me




All that is around 

Listening to all the sound

Wanting to be found


But no one ever came

Walking all the same

No being looked at me

None wondering what I see

As I do them


I know they are

I know all that is 

I know their life

I know all life

I know death

I know him well

But he never walked me down the well

I know them sentient live

But I can\'t help but wonder 

Am I?