Sassy Lou

Occasion Forthcoming

Excited, yet nervous & a slight anxious, too

It\'s been five months since I have seen you

In just a couple weeks or feasibly a month

A possibility of seeing your handsome face

Butterflies fluttering & heart pounding fast 

I really don\'t know if that\'s good or bad

Stomach twirling & heart aching

In hopes to be able to catch up with you

Longing for a hug & maybe a tiny kiss -

You, my friend, I have truly missed

Not getting my hopes up -

Don\'t know if able to sojourn

To look into your eyes once more & see that smile -

Whether 2.5 seconds or hours longer

Period of stay with you doesn\'t even matter

Worthwhile & time well spent

To feel your arms around me & holding me close

Possibility that I will hold on tighter -

And not want to let go

Potentially nearing time to see you again -

Fills the empty spot in my heart

That place belongs for you