



As I stand at the base of the Everest, 

At the base of the sky 

What feels like the world, 

I can\'t help but feel so small 

So tiny among our worlds 

So helpless 

So. useless 

And useless I may be- 

Among this sky, 

This world 

This planet. 

For I mayn\'t contribute as far as mother nature provides 

But for I try. 

For I connect 

I close my eyes and lie still amongst the trees  

The soft spring breeze stroke my face 

I feel the clouds moving above me 



For they are never still. 

They never remain. 

They never lie still amongst the trees 

They move. 




Freely amongst the skies 

Venturing as far as they destine 

And chasing their goals. 



I stand at the base of the Everest, and I think 

I think 

The thoughts spiralling my mind like snow in a shaken globe 

But my globe feels incomplete 

A piece 




A piece that flies among the skies 

Among the clouds 

Among the worlds 



I stand at the base of the Everest, and I try 

I try 

To seize that piece 

To capture it.  

To place it in the cracks. 

And I fail. 

I jump for the moon 

But I land with the stars 

But the stars are where the beauty lies 

Where the best view stays, stationary. 

But the moon is ever moving 

I ask myself,  




But I answer my own question 


Why do the clouds venture across the seas, the land, the sky? 

Why does the moon run so far out of reach? 

Why does that piece feel incomplete.? 



As I stand at the base of the Everest.  

I can say 

I know why I feel so small,  

I am so small 

But the impact I make shall run far out of reach 



Far away 

Far away from the land and up to the moon 

Far to the peak of the Everest 

To the peak of happiness 

And I still feel incomplete. 

The feeling I have the utmost desire for 

Is so far 

Out of reach.