Kinsley Lee

The Great Teacher, Homer Hulbert in Yanghwajin

King Sejong invented the Hangeul letters,

But for a long time those was not widely used

Even between the people, the transmitters

Were the traditional letters, so it couldn’t be fused.

The great King invented the letters for the people

But the missionaries diffused the Hangeul to the people.


Most of the plain people were illiterate.

The missionaries translated the English Bible

To Hangeul, and taught it, at last they be literate.

He researched the letters and taught the people.

The Great King invented the Hanguel, so he’s the father.

Hulbert fostered the letters, he’s the mother.


The old Korea was called as the Morning Calm

And the most people were poor and lived with no hope,

Due to the Hulbert, full of balm

Are the letters, and people have the right and hope,

For a long time, Korea had received the American assistance.

To the other country, Korea can give the assistance.


He’d fought with Korean for many years

Against for the old thought, freedom and independence.

For Korea, he shouted to the stuffy ears,

For assisting Korean to regain the independence.

Though, he didn’t witness the success of Korea,

But the Great Teacher’s resting in Yanghwajin in Korea.