
Escape room


I hear the turn of a key followed by a 



I\'m stuck.



The air feels thick as i take a deep inhale


I try to swallow the lump in my throat.

But it stays.


Like those eyes.


No matter which corner i turn ot track i trace

They stay

They stalk

They see.


They see everything, 

Those eyes

Those eyes torment me and those eyes, dont exist.

Or so i say

Or so i tell myself before bed

DeNial is a river in Egypt and those eyes are real.

Real while i sit.


Rocking back and forth

Trying to breathe 

Those eyes are real as i sit inside this escape room.


Escape room.

i try

i try

i try

I twist

I turn


I try.

The key wont fit.

The lock doesn\'t match

The windows are sealed

I\'m trapped.


I\'m trapped inside this cycle, this routine, this escape room.


With nowhere to run, i sigh

I stamp on the urge to scream.

\'That\'s a detention. Pay attention!\'



Another half an hour in this 

Escape room.


\"6 more hours in this hell hole\"

i manage through tears as she asks whats wrong


\"6 more minutes in this hell hole\"

i manage after a blink


Why does time go so fast

But feel so slow

while im trapped

in this



Escape room