Job Welime

Miss you.

Even after all these attempts to kill my imagination of what we used to be,
and all that we could\'ve been,
I still find myself absorbed in thoughts that I cannot erase, 
The rainbows of your smiles in my blank sky,
is the haven I seek till the storms pass by, 
In any hour, place, and all circumstance,
Only thoughts of one do occupy my mind, 
They are thoughts of you, my beloved paramour,forever to you do I myself consign, 

In your times of absence, I yearn for your presence,
In your times of presence, I yearn for your stay, 
You seem to me as vital to existence,as the rising and setting of the sun each day, 
I thought it is easy to be strangers we pretend we are, but deep down you\'re my guilty pleasure the one I think of from time to time,

Off topic you\'re the best thing that has ever happened to me.