
What do you do

Tell me,when you are having an off day,what do you do?

Do you take control,or do you let stress control you,

If you let it control you, your day will not end happy,

You will be upset,stressed out and ultimately snappy,

You will not care at the time who you hurt,

Their feelings will not matter,and you will treat them like dirt,

If we take control,and bring down the bull by the horns,

We will remove the negativity and also the deep rooted thorns,

You will be in a better state of mind when it is time to go to sleep,

Your rest will be peaceful and your slumber will be deep,

You will awake in a better state of mind,

Just move forward and leave the stressful situations behind,

So I ask again,when you are having an off day,what will you do?

Take the bull by the horns,or let him stomp you?