a drop of mind

Do I really deserve this garden

Do I really deserve this garden

Where I blossomed arrogantly; in care,

Forgetful of the blessed soil

Which holds me together as a whole.

The rains that replenish my shoots

I take it as my right.

The constant calm of the breeze

I never knew.

And I flourish forth thinking of me

Thinking only because of me.


The foolish pride I feel

about my little flowerings

The gardener takes it with a smile,

Clearing ever the weeds 

for me to thrive in peace.

And the light of those who knows

kept my darkness within bounds.


Fallen I would have easily in my beginnings

but for the mercy of all who never left.

And in a silent moment of my given tranquility

A sliver of truth shines bright.

And it prompts me to ask again

Do I really deserve this garden.