
A Knights Life

As I return, I am overwhelmed. 

    This place, where it all happened? And a presence, ever watching
        It is far too keen to be caught

    And so I search. For hours and days I walk.
        The feeling, only intensifying. 
    So weary. . . I stop to rest
        But my mind still wonders

    Who, Where? But most of all. Why? What do they want? 

            I should know. 

        I, A Knight

    Trained to be the best. To see and hear everything before it is. 

            Not this time. 

    Bleary-eyed, eyes laden with sleep
        And they appear to me. 
    This feeling I feel is so familiar
        But the tip of my tongue is thick and clumsy 
            And I cannot move

        And my breath is stolen from me..

        The figure leans nearer
    And I gasp, the King in plain sight. 

    Befuddled, I can only return his stare, confounded! 
        I cannot breathe! I cannot move! 
    And only now do I realize,
         It was him all along.