Simply Marie

Sexual Harassment







Another incident another boss again 

his interest in her has nothing to do 

with the work she does


A power play the way he chuckles 

then he smiles when he leans behind her as he locks the office door 


The game begins he thinks he\'ll win afterall he\'s got the upper hand 

She\'ll find a way to get away 

she\'s survived another dirty trick 

he tried to play


But there comes a time when he\'s so done with being nice now he\'s so mad 

he\'ll make sure she pays the price


He then begins with plans to undermine the work that means so much to her

And now here she is hes got her cornered once again she looks to find a safe way out


She incidentally finds there are 

other women it\'s not the first time 

he\'s played these games with a victim


Without much choice 

she feels her voice rising up 

to this occasion it still takes guts 

to call them up she gets the number 

from a poster in the breakroom


It says to call them when your harassed

in your workplace they will help you 

with solutions 


If she thought the poster was about 

a persons right to work 

without harassment 

shes never been so wrong before 


And now it seems it\'s getting worse 

since she made that call its not at all 

what she had thought 


The corporate office responds to calls 

to help thier interest its not about fairness or helping anyone but themselves 


The way it started soon after she called now corporate is helping HIM as she discovered now shes become thier favorite target


He has free reign now he\'ll play the cat again while shes become the reluctant mouse


Until the day when they all show up with certain smugness to then take turns before they landed the final gut punch


It still nauseates her now with the memory of shock and how they took the air right out of her life and lungs


These men are sick with underhanded tricks the mentality of emotionally adolescent boys who would attempt to rob a women of her choice