Kurt Philip Behm

Silence Impended (+1)

Double parked

in a no-comment zone

A writer sat quiet

unheard and alone


Idling vacant

the needle on E

Silence impended 

no crossing of T’s


Given to vagrancy

nothing else left

Sounds in the distance

begone and bereft


A Muse but a figment

of something not heard

His vacuous instant

—devoid of the word


(Dreamsleep: January, 2023)



Mixed Ancient Metaphors


The words taste like music

from worlds long ago

Each letter resavored

in harmonies old


Coming to harvest

their sweetness imbues

A cave for an orchard

in wall painted hues


Old symbols retilling

those questions inside

Reborn when discovered

then never to hide


The silos refilling

new birthrights to seed

Replanted within us

—a symphony freed


(The New Room: January, 2023)