
Hidden But Not Destroyed

Concreate is poured on the ground to cover and make something new. Concreate is strong and hard to break once it hardens, but what the concreate fails to realize when it\'s poured on the ground is that the roots, are still alive buried deep down in the ground. Concreate prides itself saying \"look at me, I made something knew and I\'m covering the ground.\" The ground never speaks but takes the weight of the harden concreate but the ground knows that underneath this dirt, I have some roots and although they cannot be seen now, in a few they will come up and they will crack at the hard concreate and it will have no choice but to break because although the roots look small and weak, they have to strength to break through rock. Once they break through they grow up into trees, flowers, grass, but they will break through. Hidden but not destroyed.