
A living machine

I feel no pain

I feel no love

I am a machine

at war.


I breathe in blood

I walk through mud

I\'ll keep on fighting

no matter what.


Even if my ammo runs out

even if my circuits are fried

the fight will never end

peace will never come to me.


I follow every order

my loyalty is absolute

it is a part of me

I couldn\'t live without.


But on a day without clouds

when the sun was shining

oh so bright

I received my final mission.


To kill through a city

to kill their leaders

to kill through a baby

if I have to.


I set out at noon

equipped with every

tool,weapon and gadget

I will need.


But something is wrong

something in me

is fighting to stop me

from completing the command.


I reach the city

I go through the wall

I walk the streets

until I stop.


A family is in my way

I should do as the orders say

I am supposed to be loyal

but I can\'t be loyal anymore.


I throw away my weapons

I raise my hands above me

I declare my surrender

and that should be the end of me.


But it is not

I am still living


but more free than ever.


They ask me questions

and I answer

as I help them succeed

they help me feel.


I may be a robot

but I have a heart

finally I can hear it

and it is nice to be

a living machine.