
Released and Relieved

I loved you. 

It was like waking up to brush my teeth,

Eating my meals

And taking showers


You were my oxygen,

Used to feel I cannot breathe without you,

Used to can\'t think without you 


It has been for 5 years I have loved you

Till one eventual day 

I dared to look into the mirror 

To stare at my reflection

And realised I could think on my own

At that moment, 

I finally knew I could breathe without you.


It was a release and relief. 

I always thought I was drowning until

I fell in love with you

You were my lifebuoy 

But I have forgotten I myself was capable of swimming 

And my love for you was an anchor

It has only 

Decapitated me,

Stuck at your spot. 


Now, I am moving on. 

A ship without an anchor. 

An Olympic swimmer. 

A fish unbaited,

Not caught in the net of deceptions and delusions.