
Embracing Change: Moving Beyond Fear

Things that once made me tremble and shake
No longer hold power, my fears to break
The monsters that hid under my bed
Are now just memories, long gone and dead

The darkness that once made my heart race
Now brings me a sense of calm and grace
The shadows that lurked in my mind
Are now just illusions, left behind

I am changing, growing stronger each day
Leaving behind my childish ways
What once scared me, now brings me peace
A new perspective, a chance for release

The world is vast, and so am I
No longer a child, but a being that flies
I\'ll face my fears, and chase my dreams
For I am the one in control, it seems

So bring on the darkness, bring on the night
For I am no longer afraid of the fight
I\'ll embrace the change, and hope for the best
For a brighter tomorrow, is what I request.