
The Birth


I am the only one, all alone

With none to be substituted.

I am the solace of the sufferers

Everywhere around everything.


I know the secret numbers

To unlock the mind.

I know the dark chamber

Of the soul in eternity.


I overwhelmed the waves of

Our history, surviving along

The time scale of nuisance

Standing erect over the debris


Of beliefs from the time past

To the time future.

Circling Around all the lost hopes.

For I alone know the secret.


Beneath the surface reality

And above the virtual designs

Of hopes and aspirations.

Of anguish and humiliation.


I\'m the sole witness from the beginning-

Of the story to the never ending

Rituals of Eternity, day in and

Day out. All around the inside.


Stars will fade out. Time will Pass.

Life will stop crying for-

The first breath of the fresh- Dawn.

Yet I will be there.


For you, for you alone in a

Lonely world of peace and trust.

For the poetry of love-

Just in two eyes. For my birth!