
Why are we here?

Have you ever wondered why we are here,

Or if God loves us why do we fear,

Each thing we go through,is for the glory of God above,

Each moment in our lives have been planned out with love,

Some things are tough,and we question why?

But if we didn\'t experience these tribulations,then we would never know the miracles or blessings of the Most High,

I have asked many times,why are we here,

But the answer is always the same,look into a mirror,

We are made in the image of the Lord of all,

We are here to do His will and follow His plan,

He won\'t leave us ever,not child,woman,nor man,

Why are we here,I have asked this many times,

To do the will of God,and bring Him glory,for me,it is through my simple rhymes.