
In your hearts of hearts

I beg you to Speak the unspoken

Calm the fears your silence has awoken 

my own thoughts  have me confined and in sad  cages

thinking it’s one of those stages

where I get heartbroken 

since I haven’t felt your love in ages


I beg you to Quell  the fears you have awoken

tell me that we will never part

That I am your forever love 

In your hearts of hearts, does your love still burn

You were to love me endlessly in return 

The sad thoughts consume my heart with grief

leaving me shaken 

I need your words to give me some relief 

That we can fix this is my belief 


how could I have everything but still feel like I have nothing 

Like  I am slowly losing you

must we drift away

these thoughts I wish to push them far away

Then will I have the peace of mind I deeply need

Since they mock me as they are stuck on replay

Leaving me alarmed since you are silent and as calm as the eye of the storm


 Suppose we fall apart, how shall I survive 

I’m left dazed as these muddled thoughts cloud my mind

Lucid is what I wish my mind could be

A peace of mind is what I wish I could have since  the lies I invented