
Asking Assurances

Tune: Abridge

(\'Be thou my guardian and my guide\')

Luke 11 v.11-13


If a son (/daughter) shall ask bread of you

A father, what you do?

Will you give him (/her) a stone? No, you

Will give him bread, \'tis true


Or if he ask a fish, will you

Give him a serpent due?*

No, you will give him a fish, he

Then satisfied shall be


Or if he ask an egg, will you

A scorpion then view**

And give it to him? No, you will

Give him what he asks still


If you then, midst evil mankind

Good gifts for children find

And know how to give them, then how

Much more shall God act now


He your heavenly Father be

See, how much more shall He

Give the Holy Spirit to they

Who ask Him in this day


* Verse 2 - a fish and a serpent, eel-like, can look somewhat the same.

** Verse 3 - an egg and a rolled-up scorpion can look somewhat the same.