L. B. Mek

Dawning of Open-Sourced Inevitabilities


When they unleashed

Almost all of humanity’s entire worth 

In but a click of our ‘Google-iT’ trappings

Making autodidact sages of us all, overnight

It occurred to me, almost like

When a 2800 Chess GM, happens

To bait you with a ‘free’ piece

On that quicksand chequered board

Something, doesn’t quite add up


Even we pitiful Pawns of existence


Nothing, is offered for free in life


So then, behold

Open sourced A.I. as ‘their’ grand reveal

ChatGPT and all its descendants to come


Dawning of that illusive 

‘Fifth Element’

Coded, by fallibility’s fingers


When studying Computer Science 

I laughed out loud, even back then

See, they have courses on binding laws

Do’s and don’ts, literature 

Wishful hopes of controlling a species 

Whose penchant for self-annihilation 

Is surpassed by only an irrational zeal

To welcome its own subjugation state

Be it by fantastical deities or bank accounts


Thus we watch-on, entrusting

In Asimov’s Sci-Fi Robotic laws 

As mirages

While our impending technological implosion 

Is realised, faster 

Every few months, just as Moore’s law predicted 


Open source A.I.

In and of itself is just another obstacle 

Of propaganda scaremongering fallacy

For society to overcome, eventually 

Something like Crypto currency


No dear friends 

What’s truly sobering and horrific 

To contemplate 

Is that, they’re already investing 

In personalised, embedded A.I. 

To be marketed as a defence


Open sourced A.I.


Do you too, recognise a pattern

An insidiously depraved, trend

Categorising us all, collectively 

As mindless cattle, we herded fuel 

For capitalism’s callous reign


Paying rent to be caged in our rooms

Driven by fear of laboratory

Concocted, viruses

Then having conglomerates, force us

To pay for their vaccines, with tax hikes


Maybe, like a Coronavirus plague

Dictating a way of life, overnight

While those profiteering 

Politicians and pharmaceuticals

Smile, all the way to the bank

Skipping and frolicking, hand in hand


They did it with viruses, attacking

Our biological states

Now, with opened sourced A.I. 

They’re coming for our cognitive

Capacity, to think freely 


They want to put chips in our minds


They’re going to make us beg them

To do it


Can you feel, just how impossibly 


A future we’re free falling in-to

With eyes, shut-wide


I pity those generations to come, for our

Nihilistically, Apathetic 

Crimes, insuring a legacy of choice deprived 

Lives, for them…


Dear brethren, we must awaken! Please

Advanced technology, is a certainty

There is no need to fear it or dislike it

Yet we must be more aware of those

Recycled patterns, abused to herd us

In-to making choices, unaware

of their full, Repercussions

Brexit, needs to be an oddity

Not an event repeated every decade


Tis not too late 

For us, collectively 

To avoid this fate!



© L. B. Mek

January 2023