


Ima tell you the truth

As I vow to always do.

My mind hasn\'t stopped racing for days,

Racing in circles over you.


I\'m so confused now,

I don’t know where exactly is the line.

I try to give a convincing look,

But inside I\'m not really fine.


I am up so high,

Balancing and tip toing on the edge.

One light blow of the wind,

And I\'m going to topple right off the ledge.


It\'s knowing the is no label,

Which with that I one thousand percent agree.

But how to take a step back from that,

I feel like I\'m walking blind, I can\'t see.


I don’t want to make a wrong move,

I can\'t afford to fall to the ground.

He can\'t hear it in my head,

It\'s so loud but to him there\'s no sound.


What is a step back,

Back from exactly what I\'m not sure.

This anxiety of not knowing,

Is becoming more than I can endure.


I guess he must know,

as much as I.

Something that feels so right,

We have to at least give it an honest try.


We owe it to ourselves,

To see where this connection goes.

I like him and he seems to truly like the real me,

From my head down to my toes.


The best surprise,

At our first date last night.

Was the best date I\'ve ever had,

The best part was ending holding him tight.

I will never ever forget every second,

My stolen glances of the most beautiful sight.

All I know is I feel so peaceful next to him,

And my intuition is telling me everything about this is right.