itsme rachel

cheating gravity

I read they burned that old farmhouse down--

reporters said it was a buncha kids who\'d gotten carried away...


I remember the places inside

where we teased its silence like mice at play

and imagine the smell of dust in flames…


I long ago escaped the gravity of that planet

and this new knowledge doesn\'t make a dent

in the universe I\'m livin\' in

but there\'s something about the physics of history that tells me.

Gives me an intuition. A sense that had I stayed,

whole worlds would break apart

and there\'d be nothing left of me to fly away.


Even now, memories are teasing unspoken notions

from its recesses unknowingly opening hidden books

making great black vacuums that suck the oxygen

of indoctrination, dogma, and religion erasing from existence

the mis- and diseducation and causing the atmosphere to collapse.


they built in our heaven houses with foundations already degenerating

disappearing back into the nothing the cosmic mix

awaiting others already preparing the next regenesis...


but, we were the ones who played there like mice

little scruffy hoarders of the bits they cast away

then disappeared like bandits.


Laughing. Forgotten. Teasing the fray...