
The Freeloader Friend

Even if your hand grabbed my shoulder firmly

Preventing me from falling off a cliff 

I will not forgive you 

And forget for all the times you have placed boulders onto my shoulders

Stabbed deeply into my heart,

And grabbed my head to bang it against the walls


I think we are close friends

But we are also definitely group members

However, I do not mix personal with work 


Leave me to die if you want 

As you have yet to realise my importance 

And I have yet to see you grow either 


If you think I am in your way to power,

You can kill me to take control

I will not fault you 

Since it is actually a relief 


Before I go, 

I just have one question for you

\"How do you sleep at night knowing you take a fair share of the pie when you knowingly only brought an egg and did not help with the baking?\"

Because I am awfully disappointed to see you not even trying 

Only when working together can the sweet pie look good and taste delicious for everyone to enjoy

Now, I feel nothing but bitterness