

I can\'t fight your demons and take on the world too.
It would devour me this world, my sanity and you. 
Encase me in a kaleidoscope of confusions dew.
Abused with my disappointments far from few.

Still, I live for both of us because I refuse to leave.
I\'m fitted to be the shirt to your torn sleeve.
to be the \'bless you\' for your forced sneeze, 
Inhale for your exhale so both of us could breathe.

I can\'t fight my demons and take on the world too.
It would devour me this world, my issues and you.
Encased in a Tsunami of trials to do,
abused with your mysterious suits.

Still, you endure for both of us because Ur no fling.
Do believe me love, you truly are \"My Everything\".
You fight to stay alive, you fight also, for this thing.
For This bond, this love, this king for you queen.

I\'ll be there to help you fight your demons and the world too.
We\'ll kick some ass, keep our sanity true.
Fight for me, 
because baby,
I\'m Fighting for you!  

                                           Alexander Sanders