
Candlemas Communings

Tune: Laos Deo

(\'Bright the vision that delighted\')

Luke 2 v.25-32

Candlemas (Feb 2) - The Presentation of the child Jesus,

aged 40 days, in the Temple.


Lord, now let your servant depart

In peace, desire of my heart

I have seen in your child Jesus

Born a Saviour unto us


So said Simeon in Temple

He did true hear the Lord\'s call

That he would not this earth leave till

God His promise did fulfil


\'Twas that Simeon would see clear

The Lord\'s Christ, Anointed, dear

Simeon took Him in his arms

Gone now any doubts or qualms


He said, My eyes they have now seen

Your salvation, Lord, between

You and man you have provided

Salvation, as you have said


You have your Son prepared before

The face of all peoples, for

He a light to Gentiles lighten

Israel\'s glory revealed then