
Fuck Love


he came to me with the kindest eyes,

the prettiest smile,

the softest lips...

and when they collided with mine;

I knew.

when his smile brightened my day;

I knew.

when his eyes traced over my features;

I knew.

he was going to be the death of me.

his hands;

they fit perfectly around mine.

his arms;

they held me close to his chest.

his body;

it molded with mine perfectly.

his laugh;

a breathtaking harmony,

sending pure bliss through my body.

his best feature though?

I\'m not quite sure...

I could never choose between the arrogance,

the slyness,

the disappointment,

the gaslighting,

the manipulation,

the anger outbursts,

or his smile.

his smile...

it\'s no longer bright.

in fact,

I don\'t think it even exists now...

at least not for me.

I drained him;

I drained all his love for me.

or maybe it was him who drained me...

his lips, they got thirsty

sucking the life out of me through the tiniest straw.

he made sure to go slow, don\'t worry.

the pain?

it didn\'t last long,

I became numb after a while...

until I wasn\'t anymore.

the hurt came back full force,

but that\'s on me too.


i had gotten rid of love for a long while.

that is until he showed up on my doorstep,

baggage in hand.

he had decided he was bored with life,

he needed to play...

I happened to be dumb enough to retry the level.


and over...

and over again.

if I\'d just slammed the door in his face,

I\'d have beat the game.

but I didn\'t,

I couldn\'t.

he looked at me with those dumb brown eyes,

flashed his best grin,

and kissed me with those stupid lips...

he knows all my weaknesses,

he knew I wouldn\'t be able to say no.

I really wish I could but I just can\'t,

I\'d much rather fuck love.