I have been dealt a hand of cards
These cards I know not with what to do
I stare at each pristine surface
Expecting to find an answer
To find a reason or a meaning
I stare until the edges of my vision black
I stare until I don’t know what, who, or how I am
I stare wishing for something
Something that will only come from me
Only I know this answer
Only I understand
Only I can dig deep enough to know
Somewhere inside I know the answer
But I hide
The truth is hidden
I have hidden it
So thoroughly well
Even I cannot reveal the meaning
Even I, the only one who can obtain this meaning, cannot grasp it
I cannot until
I find something
Until I realize and have been given
This truth this hidden ore
Will stay within my core
Until I learn to feel
To see
To accept
To be willing to put in effort
I shall not see
Until I am willing to be