
Strong in faith

The strong in faith will never waiver,

Because we trust in Jesus Christ,our Savior,

We trust in Him in our times of need,

When He speaks to our hearts, His voice we heed,

The strong in faith will never back down,

We stare down the enemy and drive him from town,

The strong in faith need not fear,

Because Satan is powerless against our Father,whom holds us dear,

The strong in faith are warriors in Christ,

We are protected by His Holiness and might,

Strong in faith was Daniel in the lion\'s den,

Because he knew that God was all powerful and his faith wouldn\'t bend,

Strong in faith was Moses,who freed Israel from captivity from pharaoh,

Strong in faith was Abraham who walked with the Lord straight as an arrow,

Strong in faith was Jesus Christ,who died for us,and trusted in His Father\'s plan and freely gave himself to die in our place so that we could live forever and ever,

I\'m strong in faith,will you join me in this endeavor??