
What I Hope


Will the world ever come to be what I hope?

Or will ruin and lies grow?

Will people continue to ignore and hurt the innocent?

Will kindness and decency be treated as novelties

When in fact

They truly shouldn’t be so uncommon

When will people realize that problems are not solved


Violence and pain and that

You have to love and be gentle

Bury your pride

Kneel for a brother

Cry for a sister

When will we view things as beautiful and helpful

Instead of

Useful and a means of achieving what we want

When will helping each other be on our minds?

And not helping ourselves?

When will we learn to see the world as it is

A beautiful and amazing creation

Not a dirty hurtful place

Because while pain and hurt exist

They are not all that is

Pain ends

Bleeding stops

Hate runs out


Healing grows

Warmth is real

Love is always there

When will we learn to hope and not despair

Look at things as they are not as

We think

Or want them to be

When will we see the thing that is

But doesn’t exist

The truth

When will we learn

To see
