

Guys he called me pretty

No he called me beautiful

I wonder if he knows those words mean the world to me,

Maybe because it means more to me,

See as a child i was never pretty or beautiful

I was too dark and pitiful

I was too ugly and miserable

Truth be told i just wasn’t good enough

Not enough for my father he left when i was young

Not enough for that boy that told me “ I was the one”

But guys the new boy called me pretty

Doesn’t that mean i’m good enough

Or good enough for my body

Good enough for some bump and grind

good enough for a hobby

But No he called me beautiful

Doesn’t that mean i’m good enough

Good enough to be loved, cherish and wanted

Maybe he do thinks i’m good enough

Maybe it’s just me

the trauma from a child, damn i can’t believe

believe that i’m good enough

believe that i’m pretty and beautiful

Their goes those two words again, not used to them being thrown at me

DAMN, he thinks i’m beautiful, but i can’t really see,

Or maybe i just need glasses