
Time travel in my sleep

Recently, I’ve seen a dream 

When we travelled to 2019 

And even if you still shy away

From showing me your face

I know it was you there with me

Even if I change mine each time

I’m in the beloved and hated dreamland


We’ve somehow both chosen Saint Petersburg

We both know well—maybe, even too well

You went calling your mom telling her everything’s okay

And I went out screaming it’s 2019

Breathing broad-chestedly, with relief 

Thinking, it’s not even begun, it’s not even begun!

Back when I had one of my best friends

Whom I owe my stabilized self esteem 

My self respect and my pride 

Back when I had to hear the words

Let’s move out together, okay?

Back at the day you can’t name 

Back when I had to fall in love with him 

To become who I am now


Broken and twisted under the crashed shell,

I didn’t feel my wounds, still bleeding

Caressed by the cool Saint Petersburg wind

And you came back 


We went through one park after another 

Visiting some small museums 

We missed in the favor of bigger fish

And one of such museums 

Looked really strange:

I was at odd with its very atmosphere

It looked like the one at Petershof

But it’s always closed at summer 

And we haven’t even gone to the suburbs yet

It had a fountain inside

With real blue water, just flowing, flowing 

Trapped inside a loop, with sharp edges 

And the door so blue as the sea grave 

Started opening bit by bit, screeching 

And the purple hand was coming through

Paralyzed, luckily we just got it

So just one stepped separated us

From even more rooms with gold and porcelain…

They appeared out of nowhere 

As the mummy chasing us through 


We’ve broken space-time continuum 

I knew it, we were being punished 

Punished by the Time herself 

There seemed to be no entrance no way out

All was lost… When I woke up

Mummy staying blurry before my eyes

Our time travel being clearly in my brain

I tried to put up things together 

And it was just the future we left behind

Or my present still chasing me through 

Through my mind

Right from my sight