
Moon Alone

I am a light polluted sky

Dulled and tainted by the noise of the city 

Ever present ever going never stopping 

Leaving me behind, stagnant 

The constellations don’t change shape and the moon stays where she is

and there should be comfort within this confirmation

As I stay still, they will keep me company 

Even as the Earth spins into oblivion, they take to the stage every night


But even I, as rooted to the earth as I am, must take in a breath (several if I’m lucky)

And acknowledge that life will move on, and so must I

The moon may not depart from my sky

Glittering constellations dwelling nowhere but their intended place

Yet, instead of these notions keeping me here, 

Should this not be a sign to meet them where they are? 

I can love the moon from a far, but I’m certain she’s absolutely radiant up close