
Lovely Opinion

Love will never need a real reason why.
We stand by and watch our best friend die,
slowly on a spiral, like they fell from the sky.
They deny our help, in a dark corner for them, we cry.

Love will fight tooth and nail, bear and lion.
never gives up, refuse to stop trying.
Pushes the limits to keep the flame from dying.
Go hard as a train, Love tracks aren\'t for climbing.

Love stands in the rain with a dry face of hope.
Not giving up on those that desire it the most.
A garment for all weathers it\'s not pity, let me show.
That I\'d walk to see Ur soft smile in a hard winter\'s snow.

The words SOUL and MATE are two words their name always resonates.
To hear it the Internal should already begin to vibrate.

You couldn\'t get them off the mind, they\'re in your soul.
You wouldn\'t want them off your mind, they are your soul.
Love thinks of them when the sun rises and makes its roll.
and after the moon clocks in and sheds light on the road.

Eternity times Infinity about how long real love last.
Love is Internal, a flask for all their good, all their bad.
The towel to soak up anger where no one can stay mad.

Those arms with doors that\'ll never close. 

                                        Alexander Sanders