Sakwa Franc

In the heart of Black people

The glorious sun shines on a black land

Rays of hope illuminates fruits of our labour

Whatever was began in our mind in our heart we bind

We are not yet free till we enjoy our own fruits

Western springs promises life but only poison our hearts


Their wells are full of vipers

They sting and kill my people

With lies decorated with deception

My people are prey in jaws of strangers

Their bodies lie lifeless on foreign streets


Better a dead body with identity

Than a man who Can\'t trace his origin

We have believed a lie that we are not worthy

All deadly vaccines are tested on our black skins

All humanitarians slept when help was needed


All refuse find their tracks in our land

Expired cooking oils are sold in our supermarkets

Who cares about black people? 

Enemies are our own government 

Who is stealing from us?


In the heart of black people there is a still voice

A voice of change and equality

Echoes of sons and daughters of our land crying for change

You can make poison in your labs to kill us

But our voice in our hearts will still echo till our people are free.